Thursday, September 25, 2008

Interesting copyright ruling

I ran across the following article via my favorite blog - Slashdot .

RIAA loses $222K verdict from ZDnet. I follow many of the cases that the RIAA has filed against individuals becauase I have an interest in copyright law and how it is applied. In this case, the RIAA claimed that simply "making ... available for download" was a violation. Fortunately the US District Court disagrees. This is important decision for libraries because simply allowing the RIAA to sue under this concept of "making available" could force libraries to do away with any CD, CD book, etc in their collection for fear of being sued for "making available" items people can then put on a peer to peer network. Granted, the RIAA has concentrated on going after individuals, but there is still the remote chance that those items would eventually be traced back to the library.

Another item, this one from Recommending Permanent Disbarment Jack Thompson. All the gamers can sleep easier knowing that this now former lawyer will have a much harder time filing lawsuits against their favorite games. For those that don't know, Mr. Thompson has filed several lawsuits in the past against a number of video games and video game producers.

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